Key Transaction Highlights

  • Founded a pan-African Advisory business.
  • Founded and invested in a distribution business in Nigeria, breaking market with new renewable technology.
  • Advised one of South Africa’s largest development finance institutions on a US$60 million line of credit facility to a Zimbabwean financial institution.
  • Advised a regional multilateral development bank on a US$25 million trade finance line of credit to a Zimbabwean bank.
  • Advised an Australian client on their acquisition of a controlling interest in a Zimbabwean hydrocarbons company which holds a Special Grant for the exploration of hydrocarbons in respect of the development of resource deposits and the evaluation of the geophysical and geotechnical composition of the mineral resources owned by the target.
  • Lobbied and successfully obtained franchise license to launch pilot store for a globally linked retail business in Malawi.
  • Successfully embedded law firm into global member firm, specialising in Africa.
  • Advised a multinational development bank for registering security for its debt restructuring of a chrome mining company, including all transaction documents and advice on regulatory and legal aspects of the local entities in Zimbabwe.
  • Advised a financial and investment management firm specialising in Africa in respect of its financial advisory, fund management and asset management businesses in Zimbabwe.
  • Advised various banks on a US$20 million revolving facility for an out-grower financing scheme for farmers in the agricultural sector, a US$10 million debt security swap for inter-related mining companies.
  • Key advisor to the largest real estate conglomeration in Zimbabwe on its acquisitions, disposals, development, and refurbishment projects.
  • Founded and invested in several businesses in the manufacturing renewable energy and eco-tourism sectors in Zimbabwe.